
buy faceit account with instant delivery

Account Faceit Level 7 (1,551 Elo | 1.3+ K/D | 69% Winrate) 105 Matches, 2018 year reg.

Faceit Level: 7
Faceit Current Elo: 1,551
Faceit matches: 105
CS:GO hours: 5300
Faceit Win Rate: 69%
Faceit was registered:  June, 2018
Steam was registered:  June 18, 2018
Longest Win Streak: 24
K/D Ratio (average) : 1.3+
VAC / Trade / Community Banned: None
Region: Free


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You will recieve the following:

  1. Steam Username &  Password
  2. Faceit Username & Password
  3. E-mail Adress & Password

Instant Delivery Enabled!

Buyers will receive links to download their Digital Product(Logins).

All accounts have disabled steam guard, you can instantly connect to account and add your phone, change email and anything you want.

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